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Sunday, 24 June 2012

Degree Show at Norwich University College of the Arts

Blimey! Finally made it to the end of my three year degree in contemporary textiles at Nuca. I'm overjoyed, tearful, and so very happy with the result of all the hard work that its taken to complete it. I got a first class honours degree and now hopefully I can begin to put into practice all that I've learned so far. I've had tremendous support from family, friends, tutors and want to give a special mention of thanks to three wonderful online artists who generously gave their time and knowledge to answer a questionaire to help with my research report. Jackie Morris Jackie Cardy and Carolyn Saxby (who big heartedly spent over one and a half hours  answering my questions.) Thanks Ladies!!!!!
Heres a couple of photos from the show, which starts on the 27th June, private view is on the 26th at 5.30-8.30pm. Sadly, I was so underconfident with my work that I didn't invite anyone. But if you'd like to see all of our work, and looking at the show on friday I felt so proud of all of my fellow students work. We really did work our butts off and have produced a Brilliant Show!
Close up of my installation entitled 'Memento Mori,'

Now abit of artistic blurb which I always think sounds abit up itself! and not really me at all so apologies in advance for this bit about the pieces in my final show:

Sue Tyler is a mixed media textile artist, whose latest collection of laser cut acrylic jewellery is entitled : ‘Memento Mori.’ Key themes for this body of work being, loss, life and mortality. Inspired by Victorian sentimental jewellery she has created an installation of contemporary mourning jewellery for her final degree show at Nuca.
The pieces when worn evoke the sense of bringing the wearer back into the present moment, based on the cognitive therapy technique of wearing a rubber band around the wrist. They awaken the wearer to the preciousness and transience of life, and are primarily a celebration of the human condition.

I'll be at the show in person on friday 29th of June 10am-12, it'd be lovely to see you there........

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